SY-61 Synergi Pipeline (Uptime) Advanced Risk

Become more proficient in the use of the Synergi Pipeline Risk Module and creating and building dashboards.


This course is designed for advanced risk modelling and creating and building dashboards for the Synergi Pipeline Risk module for both transmission and distribution pipeline systems.

Topics covered include: Day 1-2

  • Probabilistic risk models
  • Leak adjustmend mode
  • Plastic leak rate model
  • MRP leak generated models
  • MAOP models
  • Defect assessment models
  • Building dashboards
  • Web dashboards
  • Scenarios

The final half day will include asset integrity software presentations, including upcoming product release, strategies and other topics of interest. We will also be available for one-on-one sessions in the afternoon, on a pre-scheduled first-come first-served basis.

Learning objectives

You will become proficient in the use of the Risk Module, industry risk models that are typically deployed and also have an understanding on how dashboards are designed and built.

Target group

Users who want to expand their risk modelling knowledge and dashboard design and use.


This course is designed for advanced risk modelling and creating and building dashboards for the Synergi Pipeline Risk module for both transmission and distribution pipeline systems.

Topics covered include: Day 1-2

  • Probabilistic risk models
  • Leak adjustmend mode
  • Plastic leak rate model
  • MRP leak generated models
  • MAOP models
  • Defect assessment models
  • Building dashboards
  • Web dashboards
  • Scenarios

The final half day will include asset integrity software presentations, including upcoming product release, strategies and other topics of interest. We will also be available for one-on-one sessions in the afternoon, on a pre-scheduled first-come first-served basis.

Learning objectives

You will become proficient in the use of the Risk Module, industry risk models that are typically deployed and also have an understanding on how dashboards are designed and built.

Target group

Users who want to expand their risk modelling knowledge and dashboard design and use.

More information

  Certificate of training

Certificate of training

Issued upon completion of the training. Register here.

  Synergi Pipeline

Synergi Pipeline

Read more about Synergi Pipeline software

  Consulting - Simulation and Optimization

Consulting - Simulation and Optimization

Analytical solutions for the energy and utility industries

SY-61 Synergi Pipeline (Uptime) Advanced Risk