We offer both certification and training for HACCP. Send an enquiry, email sngseq@dnv.com or call +603 2160 1088.

The HACCP methodology is mandatory in several countries, including the US and within the EU. An efficient food safety management system tailored to your processes will support you in your efforts to prevent food safety failures and associated costs, and ensure legal compliance. Independent certification demonstrates your commitment to food safety.

What is the HACCP method?

HACCP is a risk management tool specifically designed for the food sector by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, jointly established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The risk management activities include:

  • Risk evaluation
  • Risk management option assessment
  • Implementation of management decisions
  • Monitoring and review

In the context of the food sector, HACCP can be:

  • Corrective: When objectives for food safety have been established by Codex or national risk managers, these can be adopted by the industry. By applying HACCP the industry can assure that these objectives are met.
  • Preventive: A hazard analysis identifies potential hazards that need to be controlled to prevent potential harm to the consumer.

Why is certification good for my business? 

HACCP system certification enables your organisation to:

  • Communicate confidence to the customers, demonstrating that the food is produced by means of safe processes
  • Prove that it has taken all reasonable precautions to guarantee the production of safe food
  • Allow customers to demand that suppliers are assessed and certified, if they operate in a country with a strong food safety legislative framework
  • Reduce the number of audits carried out by customers and, consequently, save management time spent and related costs
  • Reduce product waste and product recall
  • Improve relations with food safety authorities
  • Improve efficiency
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