Covers equipment and protective systems used on fixed offshore platforms, in petrochemical plants, mines, flour mills, and other areas where an explosive atmosphere may be present.

We are appointed as notified body (0575) to carry out conformity assessment as specified in the ATEX (Atmosphere Explosible) Product Directive (94/9/EC), on behalf of EU. Manufacturers of equipment for explosive atmospheres from all parts of the world can thus benefit from our worldwide network. 

How to apply the directive 

The main responsibility of the manufacturer is to prevent the ignition of explosive atmospheres.

Manufacturers who apply its provisions and affix the CE marking are able to sell their equipment anywhere in Europe without any further requirements being applied.
Chapter I, article 1 of the directive defines each of the following product groups for use in  explosive atmospheres: 

  • Electrical and non-electrical safety devices
  • Electrical and non-electrical equipment
  • Electrical and non-electrical protective systems
  • Electrical and non-electrical components
There are three pre-conditions for the directive to apply. The equipment: 
  • Must have its own source of ignition (spark and/or hot surface)
  • Be intended for use in a explosive atmosphere (air mixtures)
  • Be under normal atmospheric conditions (0.8-1.1 bara) 

Equipment is divided into equipment categories, according to necessary level of protection.​