
Securing Norwegian railways

Synergi Life - a basic tool

As one of Norway's most important companies, the Vy Group is systematically and purposefully working to improve safety measures. Synergi Life is one of the basic risk management software tools for those involved.

"Synergi Life is a brilliant tool for reporting, processing, analysis, administration and planning of traffic safety matters. It helps us visualize the necessity of our work to minimize risk, internally as well as reporting to external bodies, like the National Rail Administration" says Haakon Bakken, traffic safety manager, Vy.

Benefits for Vy

  • Synergi Life keeps track of reported unwanted incidents related to passenger traffic or trains. By using Synergi Life, action has been taken on an average of 75% of these incidents and nearmiss accidents; resulting in a large number of improvements
  • The data that Synergi Life produces is cruical for Vy's ability to prevent and follow up unwanted incidents
  • Without Synergi Life, providing the necessary information and training for employees on safety matters in a consistent way would be an overwhelming task.


Vy's main activities comprise passenger traffic on trains and buses, and freight traffic on railways. The companies within the group employ about 9000 people in Norway.


Why we chose DNV - Digital Solutions

DNV and Vy have been co-operating for ten years to develop and adjust the system to suit the particular needs of a big company continually dealing with safety on many levels. The cooperation is described as effective teamwork.

DNV's consultants are known for being service minded. Synergi Life is used as a common platform by managers in the whole organization, creating the basis for the general plan for the follow-up on accidents. This includes planning and managing emergency exercises and the overall training of staff to reduce operational risk.

Download and read the customer story



Download and read the customer story